A Time to Slow Down and Reflect

Our show season for 2024 has ended. It has been a record breaking year and we couldn’t be happier. Also a little tired but yet exhilarated as we look forward to displaying at more shows and bigger shows in 2025. It is rewarding and validating to have our baskets sell in store locations, but we love the face to face feedback and affirmations when meeting our customers in the booth.

So for now, we are making baskets for our own gift giving to family, friends and the professional offices and staff that keep our healthy lives in their care. We call them “Portrait Baskets”. It is like painting the portraits of our acquaintances, choosing just the right colors, images and styles of rope, shape, and knots that reflects the person as we see them. Sorry, no photos as these are too personal to share.

A Blessed Merry Christmas to everyone!